
LASIK is one of most commonly performed laser eye surgeries to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism. However, there are still many people who wonder whether or not they should have laser surgery? What will their eyes feel like after the surgery or what kind of side effects will there be? In fact,  as with any surgical procedure, Lasik also has risks and side effects. Although most side effects or complications are manageable, it is essential for anyone to know about these effects and have a proactive eye care routine. 

In this article, the Japan International Eye Hospital will go through some of the most common side effects of Lasik surgery. 

Light sensitivity

After the surgery, some people may experience light sensitivity and notice some symptoms like halo or glare Laser eye surgery works by changing the curvature of the cornea in a precise, computer-controlled way to alter the focus of the light on the retina at the back of the eye. As a result, after Lasik some people's pupils might dilate to a size that is larger than the actual treatment zone, causing persistent night vision problems. The pupil sometimes becomes so large that light passes into the eye and causes glare and halos. Because the pupil naturally becomes larger in the dark, the effects are more noticeable at night. In general, this effect will last for about 3-6 months and after that the eyes will eventually get used to it.  

Foggy vision after Relex Smile 

Foggy vision makes everything in sight appear to be hazy. This effect happened because during Relex Smile surgery, the lenticule is removed through the incision with minimal and left a space between in the cornea which fills with water. It will take time for the cornea to completely heal, and after that the foggy effect will disappear. Depending on individual condition, foggy vision might last for a couple of days or it can last for a few months. After this period, the vision will be stable and clear.   

Dry eyes

Dry eye is still the most common side-effect reported by laser surgery recipients. The procedure upsets the eye’s natural tear production system. Most patients use artificial tears to supplement the lost moisture. They reduce the use of the tears over time as they heal.

Hard to see clearly up close 

Normally, for people who have myopia, the eyes usually do not need to adjust to see clearly up close. After the surgery, without prescription glasses, the eyes will need some time to adapt and restore their natural accommodative function. Therefore, in some cases, near vision might not be restored 100% right after the surgery. Depends on different eyes, this condition will improve after a while

Difficulty opening eyelid 

During the surgery, an instrument called a lid speculum will be used to hold your eyelids open. As a result, after the surgery, the eyelid may feel tight, sore and difficult to open. This condition will be disappeared after few days. 

Subconjunctival hemorrhage

A subconjunctival hemorrhage commonly follows cataract surgery. This occurs when blood is trapped in the subconjunctival space. However, it will not affect your patient and within the first 2 weeks, this problem will eventually get better.

Flap complications

In some rare cases, patients experience flap complications following surgery. When a procedure such as Femtosecond Lasik or SBK Lasik is carried out, which involves a flap being created in the cornea, complications can occasionally occur if the flap does not heal properly. Therefore, patients need to follow the post-operative instructions strictly. For example, patients need to make sure they use protective goggles even when they are sleeping or avoid touching eyes within 3 days after surgery. Moreover, because of the corneal flap, patients will feel slightly uncomfortable in their eyes for the first few days after the surgery, but this problem will gradually disappear. 


Like any surgery, there is a risk of getting infection after  Lasik surgery even though this is a rare complication. It is important for patients to be aware that infection can slow down the process of healing and can even cause serious eye damage in some cases. To prevent any kind of infection, the patients need to use antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications that are prescribed by doctors. The patients also need to make sure that they follow all the post operative instructions.  

Visual Stability after Surgery 

After Lasik Surgery, in some cases, patients will find it difficult to see up close due to the fact that it will take some time for the eyes to adjust and restore its natural accommodative function. This issue will get better after 1 - 3 weeks. In the meantime, patients still can work or study as normal. Begin using electronic devices and resting when needed is a way for the eyes to practice adjusting, so patients won’t need to totally limit how they use their eyes. On the other hand, if patients do not use their eyes as usual after the surgery, it will take longer for the eyes to adapt with the new condition and can lead to eye strain problems. So, 1 day after the surgery, patients can read books, watch TV, work on laptops and even watch movies in the theater. Starting to use the eyes early will have a positive effect on the overall healing process. 

Lasik and Relex Smile is performed to correct refractive error by making subtle changes to the shape of the cornea, so it can affect the eyes temporarily. However, most of the risks and side effects after Lasik & Relex Smile surgery will get better and can be managed, so patients do not need to worry that much. 

Hopefully, the above information will give you a better understanding of the risks that you may encounter after surgery.