
Today, cosmetic surgery has become popular thanks to its safety and high efficiency, helping patients feel more confident in their appearance. However, some interventions on the nose, eyelids, and facial skin make patients worry and hesitate before deciding to have myopia surgery, because they are afraid of affecting their eye health. In this article, Master. Dr. Nguyen Duc Quang at Japan International Eye Hospital will provide necessary information and answer common questions so that patients who have had cosmetic surgery can make the right decision for their myopia surgery.


Many patients who have had cosmetic surgery are worried and hesitate before deciding to have myopia surgery

What is myopia surgery?

Myopia surgery is a surgery that helps patients restore their distance vision and eliminate their dependence on glasses. Currently, there are two popular and safe surgical mechanisms: using a laser to change the curvature of the cornea (applied in ReLEx SMILE, Femtosecond Lasik, SBK Lasik surgery) or using an intraocular lens placed behind the iris and in front of the lens to restore sharp vision to the patient (applied in Phakic surgery).

If you have had cosmetic surgery, can you have myopia surgery?

According to Master. Dr. Nguyen Duc Quang at Japan International Eye Hospital, cosmetic surgery is not related to and does not affect myopia surgery. Because the mechanism of current myopia surgery methods only affects the anterior segment of the eyeball, it does not interfere with areas that have had cosmetic surgery on the face such as the nose and the skin around the eyes. Ophthalmologists do not contraindicate myopia surgery for patients who have had cosmetic surgery.

In addition, after cosmetic surgery, if the patient plans to have myopia surgery, it is necessary to pay attention to let the surgically intervened parts fully recover and consult advice from a cosmetic surgeon. According to ThS. BS Nguyen Duc Quang, patients should choose a reputable cosmetic facility, a highly skilled surgeon, and modern technology to prevent unfortunate complications, helping patients feel more confident when entering the next surgery.

How long after myopia surgery can cosmetic intervention continue?

According to ThS. Dr. Nguyen Duc Quang, patients should let their eyes recover for at least 1 month before continuing with cosmetic surgery, and should listen to further advice from a cosmetic surgeon to make the right decision for themselves.

For the eye recovery process after myopia surgery to be quick and effective, patients need to follow eye care instructions such as:

  • Wear protective glasses 24/7 after 3 days.
  • Apply antibiotics/anti-inflammatory drugs as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Regular check-ups as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Bathe (from the neck down) after 1 day, full body bath after 3 days.
  • Drive after 3 days.
  • Apply foundation makeup after 1 week, eye makeup after 2 weeks.
  • Exercise lightly after 1 week, exercise vigorously after 2 weeks.
  • Be with pets after 2 weeks.



Patients need to take good care of their eyes and ensure that their eyes have fully recovered before undergoing cosmetic surgery

Myopia surgery at Japan International Eye Hospital

Invested and managed by Paris Miki Holdings Group, Japan International Eye Hospital is a pioneering ophthalmology facility in myopia surgery services meeting Japanese standards in Vietnam. After 10 years of operation, the Hospital is leading Southeast Asia in the number of Phakic surgeries, achieving the prestigious title of Vietnam SMILE Ambassadors 2024 from Carl Zeiss Group.


Japan International Eye Hospital provides a comprehensive myopia surgery experience for patients with:

Leading surgeon: Dr. Vu Anh Tuan - Medical Director of the hospital with nearly 30 years of experience in the profession and has successfully performed more than 70,000 eye surgeries.

  • Strict process meeting Japanese standards: 7-step in-depth examination process before surgery, helping to accurately assess the eye condition, thereby providing the most effective treatment direction for the patient. The 14-step surgical process ensures safety and accuracy for surgical results.
  • Modern machinery system: The hospital owns advanced medical equipment, helping to provide accurate examination results and support the surgical process to take place quickly, safely and effectively.
  • Comprehensive care: Private nurse accompanies 1:1 from the moment you enter the door until you leave; 12 months of free follow-up examinations to closely monitor and protect your vision; Electronic medical records system stores treatment information to help streamline the process and reduce waiting time.
  • Transparent information: All information about surgery is discussed frankly and clearly to help patients make informed decisions. the wisest choice. All questions are thoroughly answered by doctors and experienced consultants.
  • Reasonable cost: The hospital offers a variety of myopia surgery packages suitable for each patient's financial capacity, with prices ranging from 24,000,000 VND - 100,000,000 VND for both eyes. In particular, all patients are given a 4,500,000 VND Combo including a specialized myopia surgery examination package, protective glasses and medication for 1 month, and unlimited re-examination for 12 months.

Cosmetic surgery is not a barrier to myopia surgery, but patients need to discuss and consult with an ophthalmologist, as well as a cosmetic surgeon to make the best choice for themselves about the timing and method of surgery. Do not hesitate to ask questions, because eye health is an important factor in helping patients maintain a quality life every day. Go to reputable medical facilities to receive the best support for your journey to improve your eyesight.